Sunday, August 16, 2015

A turd, a goof, and a sample

Here's some more shit I dribbled on to paper.

I hate this guy and I hate the guy that told me to draw him.
Well I don't hate this guy really but I hate this drawing.
Ms. Walking Sharkhead

This is the beginning of a piece i spent a chunk of last night and most of today on. Saving it digitally now just incase I accidentally destroy the goddamned thing. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Last Oldie

Last of my old sketches, for now at least.
"Where's a fuckin' bush?"

Anyone want to guess when I started taking life drawing classes?
Hint: it was after I drew this. Don't be a Liefeld, kids. Let your shitty legs and feet hang right out, don't hide them in fog like a chump.

Road Trip!

More shit from my college days, this time before I really understood (or really cared) about things like perspective and scale. They never got beyond the pencil phase because they were just refined sketches for lithography prints that I never got around to making.

the '67 Lamprey Road Horror, a hearse for those who went out screaming for war.

The Higgens Laser Warehouse Mobile Beam Cannon.
Don't dent it and bring it back with a full tank of  gas if you want your deposit back.

These guys just love crusin'. Nothing more to say here.

Medium: cheap shitty pencils on the tiniest sketchbook you ever did see

Some Demons from Back in the Day

Drew these guys about 3 years ago when I was still in school, as part of a book of demons. I never did finish the book but I eventually did ink up my favorite three. Here they are in all their satanic glory.

The Cactus Demon. Wanders the deserts of hell in search of his next jug of whiskey.
Hair Metal Demon. This guy shreds all day and night, nonstop. 

Crazy Alley Demon. Just keep walking.

I used brush and ink on these where previously I would use brush markers, sharpies, or pen nibs and I will never go back to that garbage. Brushes fukkin' rule.

Drawlin's from 8/12/2015

Fryboy Tuck

Jesus Christ, Carol.
Get a shirt, we've got company.

Medium: Paper and I think markers? I'm not sure.