I dug deeper into my old art folder and found a bunch more old stuff tucked away in a subfolder of a subfolder, so now I'm going to dump it here. Most of this is from before 2012 and a lot of it is unfinished, because why would I bother completing it if the Mayan Apocalypse was right around the corner?
Im putting the images under the jump break because its about to get ugly. Click "Read More" if you want to see a man losing an arm and green lantern if he was a pimp instead of a superhero.
An unfinished comic page. some half-decent gestures and such going on here but not much else. |
Bat Uncle |
Someone's mom |
Someone's drunk mom |
This was supposed to be Strelok, from S.T.A.L.K.E.R., but instead he's some ugly shithead. |
I was originally going to make a lithographic print out of this but ran out of time to do it. A shame, I really like this one. |
Hey, i still use this guy for my user icon on a lot of things! Smelly Skelly is the best! |
One of my very first drawings done on a tablet. |
"Green" Lantern, galactic weed dealer |
What if Wolverine had diabetes? |
Photo-realistic rendition of Tyrion Lannister |
What art student in the early 2010s didn't draw Walter White at least once? |
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